• • • Effectiveness of enzymebacterial mixture when preparing silage and haylage from alfalfa
Perennial legume grasses are good for silage and haylage due to their high protein and energy contents, particularly at early vegetation stage. High-quality forage requires different conservation methods, preventing secondary fermentation. This experiment evaluated the effect of enzyme-bacterial mixture on biochemical parameters and nutrient digestibility of silage and haylage, made from alfalfa. Laboratory, physiological and farm-scale tests determined fodder chemical composition, biochemical characteristics and nutrient digestibility on the Romanov wether lambs. Experimental haylage had no significant difference in nutrient content with the control variant, meeting 1st grade quality level. Ensiling of air-dried alfalfa by 100 and 90 g/t of the mixture reduced amount of crude fiber by 3.8‒5.3% while exchange energy content reached 9.6 and 9.7 MJ, respectively. Physiological tests measured the influence of preparations on digestion parameters. Treatment of grass mass by enzymes improved organic matter digestibility by 4.8 %, crude protein —by 5.4 %, fat — by 7.2, fiber — by 8.4 %, compared to chemical preparation AIV 3 plus. Energy value of fodder was calculated on the base of chemical composition and nutrient digestibility. Experimental forage exceeded the control by 6.5% in this parameter, making up 9.8 MJ.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/9-2018-2/, p. 42
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