• • • Mixing millet with high-protein crops in the forest-steppe of Cisbaikalia
Investigations took place in 2013–2016 at the Irkutsk Research Institute of Agriculture. The article evaluates influence of crop biology on grass mixture productivity, composition, nutritional value and economical effectiveness. The experiment tested 11 variants of six forage crops (oats, millet, vetch, pea, field pea, rapeseed), where 9 variants were two-component mixtures with different crop ratio. Millet-vetch mixtures produced the highest yields of feed units (3.7 and 3.8 t ha-1) and digestible protein (0.43 and 0.47 t ha-1) with the component ratios of 80:30% and 80:50%. Chemical tests revealed the highest content of digestible protein (21.8 g in 1 kg of green mass) to be contained in the mixture of millet 80% + vetch 50%. Oat monoculture and mixture with pea had the lowest concentrations of sugar and carotene, while crude fiber was in abundance. Mixture of millet 80% + vetch 50% performed the best when cultivating for green fodder, silage and haylage production.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/3-2019-2/, p. 13
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