• • • Grain drying by semicircular ventilation duct
Experiments took place in the Ivanovo region in 2015–2018. The paper deals with grain air-drying by semicircular ventilation duct (SVD) and also presents a literature review. The investigation determined main parameters and technological air-drying systems with low-cost SVD. Temperature and humidity variations as well as grain moisture content often complicate the choice of technological parameters and equipment for air-drying. There are two ways to air-dry grain. One of them is slow drying of freshly harvested grain in a ventilated place. The second one is fast drying by increased specific air supply. SVD allows application of both. Ventilation reduces grain water content down to optimal value, makes its temperature even, preserves and cools it down. Grain is dried by constant ventilation until its moisture content meets relative humidity of air used. The distance between duct long axes should be up to 1 m, allowing uniform air flow distribution. Aeration rates for grain air-drying by semicircular ventilation duct make up 4–20 l/s/t. Higher grain layers demand ventilation system fitting respective grain static and duct wall resistance. The higher the aeration rates and impurity amount the higher the static resistance. For some grain drying systems (bin dryers) aeration rates exceed 50 l/s/t.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/2-2019-2/, p. 42
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