• • • Economic and energy assessment of postcut and postharvest crops
Vetch-oat mixture, spring rapeseed and Sudan grass performed as objects of study. They were seeded after winter rye: two times — after the cut of green mass and once — after harvesting (factor A). Mineral background was factor B: no fertilizers, N16P16K16, N56P16K16. Sudan grass formed the highest green mass yield (10.6‒23.4 t ha-1), vetch-oat mixture — the lowest one (5.8‒9.4 t ha-1). The highest productivity happened at the first seeding, the lowest one — after harvesting. Fertilization improved significantly crop productivity. Rapeseed provided the highest payback (458%) at the first seeding, exceeding Sudan grass by 37% and vetch-oat mixture — by 195%. Mineral background decreased payback values. Second postcut seeding showed similar trends but payback of Sudan grass and rapeseed declined by 1.7‒1.9 times. Vetch-oat mixture had the lowest production efficiency (14‒34%). Postharvest cultivation of rapeseed was the most profitable. From the first postcut to postharvest seeding energy costs for production dropped: for vetch-oat mixture — by 32.5‒46.1%, Sudan grass — by 42.72‒58.6%, rapeseed — by 32.6‒50.6%. Vetch-oat cultivation was energy-efficient only at the first seeding. Sudan grass and spring rapeseed had energy coefficient of above 1. The highest coefficient was obtained at the first seeding, the lowest one — after rye harvesting.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/10-2018-2/, p. 11
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