• • • Selection of parent material for Russian wildrye breeding in the south of Central Siberia
Experiment took place on minor low-humus chestnut soil in 2014–2018. The goal was to select biotypes of Russian wildrye, adapted to the region conditions and evaluate its economically important traits. Such traits as number of generative shoots, seed mass per 1 plant, stand vigor, tiller form at the heading time and resistance to lodging had average variation, suggesting uniformity of parent lines. Plant height and head length had significant variation coefficients — 23.2 and 26.6%, respectively. Selected material grew on different types of chestnut soils since 2015 in the nursery of the Institute. Insignificant variation in lodging-resistance happened in 2016 — 7.22%. Other traits showed high variation — from 20.04 to 93.22%. In 2017 plant had significant variation in stand vigor, seed mass per 1 plant and head length — from 20.13 to 48.82%, while other traits had average variation — from 13.29 to 15.64%. As a result, lines were selected as the sources for economically important traits. Selected genotypes had high number of generative shoots, adequate height, seed mass per 1 plant, stand vigor, tiller form and resistance to lodging — complex of traits, affecting total productivity.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/9-2018-2/, p. 38
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