• • • Parameters of high productive seed swards of meadow fescue on a dry land and floodplain
Effectiveness of crop cultivation depends on economically important traits of a variety, growing techniques and environment. Meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) “Krasnopoymskaya 92” for intensive management differs from the ones for extensive cultivation in biological and economical parameters. Productivity of “Krasnopoymskaya 92” was tested on a dry land and floodplain. Seeding rate from 4 to 16 kg ha-1 gave 55‒68% of germination under inter-row spacing of 15 and 30 cm. Increase in crop density negatively affected germination rate. Seeding rate of 4‒8 kg ha-1 or 1.8‒3.6 million pcs ha-1 of germinated seeds provided optimal sward density of 126‒241 pcs/m2 under dry conditions. It enabled formation of lodging-resistant ecosystems that had high amount of seeds and generative shoots: 580‒638, 486‒606 and 413‒571 pcs/m2 in the first, second and third years, respectively. Seed productivity amounted to 421‒431 pcs/m2 on the average for three years. High seed productivity on the floodplain happened as the result of the seeding rate of 10–12 kg ha-1 as well as spring fertilization by N45 in the first and second years and N60 —in the third year. Seed productivities made up 500‒514, 479‒554 and 418‒420 kg ha-1 in the first, second and third years, respectively.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/9-2018-2/, p. 17
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