• • • New clover species (Trifolium pannonicum Jacq.) for feed production of the Kaliningrad region
A new species — perennial Hungarian clover (Trifolium pannonicum Jacq.) variety ‘Premier’ — supplemented feed reserve of the Kaliningrad region. A clover is early ripening; 52–65 days elapsed from spring aftergrowing till mowing mature, 98–110 days — till seed maturation. The height of the generative shoots 60–80 cm and the semi-loose multicaulis form of the tuft promotes resistance to lodging. In the first 2 years of life, the productivity of the aboveground mass was low — 0.8–1.2 t ha-1. From the third year of life, it was significantly increased due to the number and height of shoots. During the years of research, the yield was up to 5.14 t ha-1 dry matter. The highest content of crude protein (18%) was observed during shooting–beginning of budding, during the mass flowering it decreased to 15%. The fiber content increased from 27% to 33% as the herbage grew. Hungarian clover is an obligate entomophile pollinated by bumblebees, and the number of set seeds depends on their amount. The seeds are large; 1000 grains mass is 4.7 g. A high phytomeliorative value of Hungarian clover directly depends on the density of the grass stand. The humus content in the plough-layer under the Hungarian clover varied between 2.6–4.7%. The content in the soil of ammonia and nitrate nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and exchangeable potassium increased with each year of life of the Hungarian clover and had a positive dependence with reliable approximation coefficients.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/7-2018-2/, p. 25
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