• • • New book: Atlas sinic a řas ČR
The two-part book Atlas of Cyanobacteria and Algae of the Czech Republic (Atlas sinic a řas ČR, in Czech) was published. A book by Professor Hindák and collective the Freshwater Algae (Sladkovodné riasy, in Slovak), published in 1978, which has become a basic determination material for water practice specialists as well as college students, and was so great that no one has written another for the next forty years.
However, after such a long period of time, practically everything changed in the age of molecular interventions into systematic, and this situation led to the demand for an up-to-date Czech written material being demanded not only by students but also by staff of water quality laboratories. That is why Tomáš Hauer and his colleagues from the Center for Algology, in cooperation with experts from other institutions, have decided to respond to this demand. Thirteen co-authors rush into the work and after three years of hard work, the two-part Atlas of Cyanobacteria and Algae of the Czech Republic appeared. The book is free to download and the authors hope it will be as great as the work released almost half a century ago.
Sources: http://www.butbn.cas.cz/new-book-atlas-sinic-a-ras-cr; http://www.sinicearasy.cz/matlas