• • • Ecosystems of forage crops for summer and late autumn in forest steppe of the Trans-Baikal Territory
High productivity of Animal Husbandry greatly depends on top-quality fodder that is achieved through wide cultivation of annual crops, enabling stable supply with plant material from early spring to late autumn. Ecosystems of spring rye, millet, Sudan grass and spring rapeseed were tested on deeply frozen meadow-chernozem in summer and late autumn in 2015–2017. Mixtures of gramineous with rapeseed performed the best in summer: yield of green mass made up 22.2–24.2 t ha-1, dry matter — 3.57–3.80 t ha-1, feed units — 3.18–3.38 t ha-1, digestible protein — 469–528 kg ha-1, exchange energy — 37.5–39.9 GJ ha-1; one feed unit contained 142–156 g of digestible protein. In late autumn single crops and mixtures of rapeseed and gramineous (seeded on the 15th of May) formed relatively high yield in the second cut: green mass — 8.2–22.3 t ha-1, dry matter — 1.70–2.73 t ha-1, feed units — 1.15–1.80 t ha-1, digestible protein — 96–413 kg ha-1, exchange energy — 17.4–24.0 GJ ha-1; one feed unit contained 96–291g of digestible protein.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/9-2018-2/, p. 9
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