• • • Maize hybrids of various maturity as affected by temperature
Temperature in the first half of maize growing season shifts flowering time of short-season hybrids by up to 21 days, the mid-season ones — up to 23. Daily mean temperature after germination gives the most precise prediction of this stage. Short-season hybrids start flowering in 62, 71 and 78 days after germination under 18.5, 17 and 15.5оС, respectively. Mid-early hybrids flower in 63, 73 and 83 days after germination, while the mid-season ones —in 71, 80 and 91 days after germination, respectively. Daily mean temperatures from germination to flowering affect significantly dry matter (DM) content. Correlation coefficients between temperature and flowering stage make up 0.74 for short-season genotypes and 0.85 — for the mid-season ones. The longer the period from germination to flowering the lower the DM content (r = ‒0.63‒0.65 — for short-season and r = ‒0,54 — for mid-season hybrids). Degree days influence significantly DM concentration in corn ears (r = 0.81‒0.87) while daily mean and accumulated positive temperatures have lower effect (r = 0.67‒0.73 and r = 0.69‒0.72, respectively). For short-season hybrids degree days of 1175оС result in only 40% DM, while 1550оС — in 65%. Mid-early genotypes require 1235 and 1610оС to accumulate 40% and 65% DM, mid-season hybrids — 1315 and 1690оС, respectively.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/10-2018-2/, p. 4
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