• • • Effect of diazotroph preparations and nitrogen fertilizers on productivity of spring gramineous
The research tested influence of associative diazotroph on spring wheat and barley on sod-podzolic, grey forest and chernozem soils of different texture under various mineral nutrition. Soil type influenced the effectiveness of seed inoculation with preparations “Rizoagrin” and “Flavobakterin” on the nitrogen-free background. Biopreparations provided weighted mean increase in wheat productivity of 23% on chernozem, barley — 12%. Increase in grain yield made up 14 and 11%, respectively on grey forest soil. Application of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms improved productivity of wheat by 13‒18% on sod-podzolic soil that had low humus content and microbial activity, compared to chernozem or grey forest soils, barley — by 13‒19%. Nitrogen fertilization exceeded biopreparation effectiveness. Application of N30 on sod-podzolic soil increased yield of wheat by 20‒44%, barley — by 22‒57%. Strong and stable biopreparation effect on wheat productivity happened on sod-podzolic soil on the background of N30 under sufficient water content: yield increase reached 10‒20%; on grey forest soil — 12%, chernozem — 13%. For barley yield increases made up 14‒23, 9 and 11%, respectively. “Rizoagrin” and “Flavobakterin” had no significant influence on protein content in grain but improved crude protein yield of wheat by 5‒24% and barley — by 9‒31% due to higher grain productivity.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/9-2018-2/, p. 13
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