• • • Biological preparations in gramineous silage making

• • • Biological preparations in gramineous silage making

The investigation tested the effectiveness of crop ensiling by «Biotrof 600» and «Biotrof 700», compared to heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria and chemical conservant. Laboratory and large-scale experiments analyzed aerobic stability and effect of forage on black-and-white male calves, considering fermentation products. Heterofermentation resulted in the highest nutrient losses, compared to the other conserving methods. However, ensiling sun-dried grasses, having high sugar concentration by experimental preparations led to nutrient loss of around 2% versus 5% under heterofermentation. Analyses of fodder nutrition and digestibility as well as aerobic stability of silage, prepared by heterofermentative bacteria, took place on wethers of the Romanov breed. Results on nutrient digestibility and chemical tests were used to calculate forage energy value. Pure silage contained 9.62 MJ of exchange energy, the one, prepared with «Biotrof 700» — 9.85 MJ in dry matter. Male calves, consumed maize silage, made by Lactobacillus buchneri, gained more weight by 13.7% daily than the ones, fed by the standard silage. Higher consumption of experimental silage resulted in additional 1.6 t of calf body weight, leading to extra profit of 160 thousand rubles or 477.2 rubles per 1 t of silage dry matter.

Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/6-2018-2/, p. 27

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