• • • Theoretical evaluation of design of root and tuber chopper
Easy digestible root and tuber crops widely used as forage have good palatability and positive effect on physiological condition of livestock. But their chopping often results in low-quality fodder. Therefore, the development of effective chopper design is of great importance for fodder production. The investigation aimed at improvement of chopper design and validation of its main parameters to increase feed quality, reduce energy consumption and forage loss. This report gives theoretical evaluation of tuber pinching in a working chamber to reduce juice loss and cutting by horizontal blades. Choosing speed of cutting blade, it is important to consider type of tuber and root crops and their physical and mechanical properties. Blade should be adjusted radially or inclined in opposite side in the zone, having cutting force of 0. To reduce juice loss the research obtained equation (2) and graphs, determining limit value of hopper wall angle, depending on size of roots, tubers and final slices. For tubers of up to 60 mm in diameter blade distance to a tuber should be 18–20 mm, while space between the edge of hopper wall and cutting blade — 28 mm. This guarantees tuber pinching between horizontal blade and hopper wall.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/5-2018-2/, p. 40
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