• • • Rotation of forage crops on sod-podzolic soil as affected by long-term fertilization

• • • Rotation of forage crops on sod-podzolic soil as affected by long-term fertilization

The report revealed high effectiveness of organic-mineral fertilization in six-field crop rotation on sod-podzolic soil. The highest productivity of forage crops was achieved under application of 80 t ha-1 of peat-manure compost (PMC) + NPK. This combination resulted in mean yield of potato tubers of 35.6 t ha-1, perennial grasses — 6.2 t ha-1 and annual grassed — 4.9 t ha-1 of dry matter (DM). Quality of forage crops significantly improved under high fertilizer rates. Crude protein content in perennial grasses increased up to 14.7% (control — 10.4%), crude fat — up to 4.4% (control — 2.5%). Potato fertilization by organic-mineral mixture led to increase of starch content in tubers of up to 16.7%, exceeding the non-fertilized variant by 3.1 % and the one on the background of full mineral nutrition — by 2.2%. Same trends were observed when cultivating annual grasses. Application of organic and organic-mineral fertilizers positively affected humus accumulation in soil. In the period of 1978‒2017 humus content increased by 0.7–0.9% under two rates of peat-manure compost and by 0.5–0.9% — on the background of organic-mineral fertilization; mineral fertilizers reduced humus concentration in soil by 0.1–0.2%. Variants of NPK showed soil acidification and decrease in soluble K content.

Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/11-2018-2/, p. 19

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