• • • Resistance of Sudan grass to red-brown bacterial disease in the south of Middle Siberia
The paper reports on the three-year evaluation of Sudan grass genotypes in the south of Middle Siberia and the republic of Tuva. Red-brown bacterial disease negatively influenced productivity of Sudan grass, signifi cantly decreasing its seed yield and fodder quality. Red-brown bacterial leaf spot, caused by Pseudomonas holci, was highly spread there. Evaluation of resistance of Sudan grass genotypes to red-brown bacterial leaf spot in various environmental zones determined highly resistant line K-57 and variety “Lira”. In the nursery of competitive variety trial “Turan 2” and K-57 showed good resistance to the bacterial effect. The infection level of K-57 was 1.6 times less than that of the standard variety “Tashebinskaya”. “Tashebinskaya”, D-39-09 and D-11-03 were the most susceptible to the disease. Therefore, breeding of novel resistant varieties is of high importance. Since genotype K-57 effectively tolerated a complex of diseases and had a number of economically important traits it was sent for the State variety trial (variety “Rosinka”, patent No. 7496 from 19.08.2010). Analyses of green mass and seed yield showed “Rosinka” to be highly productive both in steppe and forest-steppe.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/8-2018-2/, p. 20
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