• • • Research and technology methods liquidating food and fodder dependency of Russia
Transition to market economy in Russia brought a huge number of equipment from the USA, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Ukraine, promising high effectiveness and low costs. It turned out that foreign equipment was far from initial expectations and its application led to significant losses. Since domestic equipment was destroyed, a crew of engineers developed competitive technology and equipment to produce grain and fodder according to Maltsev T. S. and Smelov S. P. Domestic models got through State Competitive trials with the best foreign machines, exceeding them in efficacy, productive ability, economic efficiency, fuel consumption, power capacity and specific quantity of metal under different weather conditions. In 1997 the Nurlat region obtained yield of 5.4 t ha-1, bringing the region from the 52nd to 1st position in the republic of Tatarstan. Farm “Dusym” harvested 2.4 t yield ha-1 in extremely dry 2010 versus 0.98 t ha-1 in the republic. In 2006–2016 in AO “Vostok Zernoprodukt” 33 cultivators “KBM” provided yield of 3–3.5 t ha-1 in different years on the area of 250 thousand ha. In 2004 in the Krasnodar region 7 cultivators showed improvement in complex capacity and cost reduction by 10.8 times.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/7-2018-2/, p. 43
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