• • • Productivity and seed quality of white lupine as affected by mineral fertilization
Paper reports on the influence of mineral macro- and micro-fertilizers on productivity and seed quality of white lupine. Field trials took place in 2013–2015 at the department of Crop Production, Plant Breeding and Vegetable Production in Belgorod State Agrarian University. High-intensive white lupine “Dega” performed as the object of study. High temperature and low water availability were the parameters of weather in the period of investigations. Soil was chernozem with low humus and high loam contents. Plot size — 10 m2, number of repetitions — 4. Variants were arranged systematically. Experimental design: control (no fertilizers), N60Р60К60, N60Р60К60 + “ZHUSS-2” (Cu — 32–40 g/L, Мо — 17–22 g/L), N60Р60К60 + “ZHUSS-3” (Cu — 16.2–20 g/L, Zn — 35–40 g/L). Ammonium nitrate, double superphosphate and potassium chloride were applied in the period of pre-sowing tillage. Liquid fertilizers “ZHUSS-2” and “ZHUSS-3” were used for top dressing at the stage of bud formation. Fertilization positively affected crop productivity, crude protein content in seeds and yield in general. Application of N60P60K60 in combination with “ZHUSS-2” or “ZHUSS-3” under dry conditions resulted in high seed productivities of 2.18, 2.50 and 2.45 t ha-1 as well as crude protein contents of 37.2, 38.2 and 37.9%, respectively.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/12-2018-2/, p. 29
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