• • • Processing of the safflower cake for cattle feeding

• • • Processing of the safflower cake for cattle feeding

A press machine was designed on the base of processing technology of oily raw materials. The equipment allowed highly efficient extraction of oil from safflower cake and preserved its quality. This research analyzed forage parameters of the cake obtained and specified its use in livestock feeding. The design intensifies the process of oil extraction from safflower seeds by optimization of press cage and adjusting clearance for cake discharge and reduces specific quantity of metal via unique design of pressing cage. The protein of safflower cake comprises 18 amino acids, 9 of them are essential. Mass fraction of essential amino acids made up 5.66%, lysine — 82.15 nmol/mL and methionine — 45.10 nmol/mL. As an experiment safflower cake was fed to cattle. The control group consumed the standard fodder while the experimental one — forage, enriched by safflower cake. Fodder composition was developed according to cattle variety, age, weight, productivity and physiological state. Nutritional value of fodder, fed to experimental cows exceeded the standard one in feed units by 1.8%, exchange energy — by 5.9%, digestible protein — by 1.7%, dry matter — by 1.65%. Average daily milk yield of the experimental cows was 0.87 kg higher than of the control one.

Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/3-2018/3-2018-07-1204/, p. 41

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