• • • Preliminary trial of cocksfoot genotype SN-1/2 as a carrier of economically important traits
Early maturing line of cocksfoot SN-1/2 was obtained through mass selection. Genotypic traits of SN-1/2 are: high productivity (49.3 and 8.7 t ha-1 of green and dry mass in total for two cuts, respectively), growth rates in spring (49–57 days) and after cut (37–53 days), plant height at the cutting stage (110 cm), leaf coverage (77.4%), high seed productivity (0.52 t ha-1) and good quality of forage mass when harvesting properly (0.84–0.86 feed units in 1 kg of dry matter (DM), 128–134 g of crude protein in 1 feed unit). SN-1/2 daily growth made up 2,06 cm in the first cut in the period of spring aftergrowing–heading, exceeding standard varieties “Neva” and “VIK” by 14.4 and 9.6%, respectively. From the first cut to harvesting excess in height amounted to 16.4 and 10.3%, respectively. Other genotypes were shorter than SN-1/2 by 2.4–20.0 cm. High humidity sharply decreased seed germination — from 51.2 to 9.0%. Number of productive stems varied within 184–378 pcs/m2. Seed content in head made up 0.189 g per plant, surpassing “Neva” and “VIK” by 0.046 and 0.051 g, respectively. SN-1/2 had better characteristics of feed productivity, compared to standard.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/11-2018-2/, p. 38
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