• • • New project in the Centre for Algology
Since the January 1st 2019 Centre for Algology has been involving in the project BIOCIRTECH (TN010000048) in the National Centers of Competence (NCK 1) program supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. The center led by Ing. Olga Šolcová from the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS in Prague is composed of 16 entities, solving six different sub-projects. Our department will be included in the sub-project „Modification of microalgal strains for enhanced content of fatty acids and carotenoids and development of methods for their efficient isolation from the biomass“, being led and guaranteed by Centre Algatech of the Institute of Microbiology of the CAS. This sub-project was approved by the Technology leading board on February 11th 2019. The coordination person in the Centre for Algology is Jaromír Lukavský.
In the department under the leadership of Jaromír Lukavský already conducted research: «Long-term monitoring of mire vegetation in Třeboň basin, S Bohemia, in relation to general land-use changes»; «Autecological studies on critically endangered aquatic plant species (Potamogeton praelongus, Sedum villosum, Littorella uniflora) oriented to conservation of these species in the Czech Republic»; «Peatland biogeochemistry, ecology and physiology of peatland bryophytes (particularly Sphagnum species): photosynthetic, growth and water-relation traits, mineral nutrition and water chemistry, decomposition and litter biochemistry»; «Ecophysiological study on aquatic carnivorous plants Aldrovanda vesiculosa and Utricularia spp.: growth traits, mineral nutrition, photosynthesis, and importance of carnivory. Ecophysiological and biophysical research on aquatic Utricularia traps».
Source: http://www.butbn.cas.cz/new-project-in-the-centre-for-algology; http://www.butbn.cas.cz/ecology-of-water-and-wetland-plants