• • • Multifunctional machinery for soil cultivation in the Central Yakutia
This paper reports on field trial, utilizing multifunctional tillage complex “Ob-4-3T” prior to seeding on frozen soils of the Central Yakutia. Resource-saving technology led to total water consumption of 105.5 mm per yield unit while the conventional one (zonal tillage) — 91 mm. Green mass productivity made up 9.2 t ha-1, increase in green mass yield of vetch-oats mixture — 0.9 t ha-1, compared to the conventional cultivation. Resource-saving technology improved on the average agrophysical properties of frozen soil: soil density (1.18 g/cm3) less by 4.1%, compared to the conventional tillage (1.23 g/cm3). Multifunctional tillage complex “Ob-4-3T”. decreased energy consumption by 1.5‒2.0 times in comparison with conventional technology.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/10-2018-2/, p. 45
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