• • • Grassland ecosystems in dry steppe and their improvement
Long-term experiment analyzed the effectiveness of grassing on old degraded haylands and pastures. Soil of the area was dark chestnut or chestnut. Double disk plowing followed by legume-gramineous seeding increased efficacy of the lands by 2.2–2.4 times. Multi-component mixtures of perennial grasses were more appropriate when reclamating grasslands in dry steppe. These mixtures showed better adaptability, productivity and economical value. Differential selection of perennial legumes and gramineous of various biomass productivity increased the group effect, directly influenced plant interactions and resulted in formation of effective ecosystems. Multi-component grass mixtures produced green mass of high quality and nutritional value that was able to satisfy basic physiological requirements in nutrients of sheep and cattle. Cultivation of such mixtures required no additional costs except for the ones for seeds and surface tillage. Significant increase in yields of dry matter, crude protein and exchange energy fully compensated the costs. Energy intensity was 2.5–3 times lower than the one of unimproved swards, defining experimental seedings as highly efficient.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/11-2018-2/, p. 9
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