• • • Fodder production in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): state and perspectives
Nowadays the main production of Yakutian bulky feeds happens on natural haylands and pastures. Forage security of the republic makes up 60–70%. Main reasons of reduction in forage resources are: poor collection of agricultural equipment, absence of fertilizers, inefficient seed production of perennial grasses, complete lack of agricultural techniques for haylands and pastures and decrease in cryomorphic soil fertility. Significant area of outlands is not cultivated due to poor financing, material and technical base. Recent years showed hayland and pasture exhausting due to high livestock number, incorrect cutting rotation and intensive grazing during the period of grass growing in spring and autumn, resulting in fast decrease of natural land productivity. Current state of field fodder production does not meet the requirements of animal husbandry and potential of cryomorphic lands. Farm fields of the republic earlier provided sufficient amount of succulent feeds for cattle. The report shows the data on cattle, horses, gross yield of hay, silage, haylage, area of cultivated haylands and pastures as well as non-cultivated area in the Sakha Republic. It also presents the results on production of silage, haylage, green conveyor, green cryofeed and promising annual forage crops, cultivated for succulent and bulky feeds.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/5-2018-2/, p. 5
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