• • • Evaluation of fodder quality and nutritional value in various edaphoclimatic zones of Khakassia

• • • Evaluation of fodder quality and nutritional value in various edaphoclimatic zones of Khakassia

The paper reports on quality and nutritional value of fodder from three edaphoclimatic zones of Khakassia. According to livestock requirements in nutrients, forage preparation in 2011–2015 averaged to 14 189.5 t of feed units in dry steppe, 43 193.7 t — in steppe and — 26 782.7 t — in forest-steppe. Weighted mean values of forage availability for one relative head made up 1.98 t of feed units for the Republic of Khakassia and 0.77, 2.76 and 3.24 t for the zones, respectively. Increase in forage production demands improvement of feed quality. Hay, haylage and silage, obtained from the zones corresponded to II and III grades. The largest part of inedible hay occurred in dry steppe — 23%. For all the zones 1 kg of hay had 0.70 energy-feed units, haylage — 0.30; silage — 0.20 and grain fodder — 1.05 energy-feed units. Sugar-protein ratio in hay met the standard (0.8–1.0:1.0), being lower in other feeds: silage — 0.1–0.2:1.0, haylage — 0.2–0.7:1.0 and grain fodder — 0.1–0.4:1.0. Dairy cows should consume hay of perennial gramineous-legume mixtures and Sudan grass, having high sugar content (1.70–1.87%). 1 kg of hay contained 8.4–9.3 MJ of exchange energy, haylage — 6.5–6.6 MJ and silage — 1.8–2.1 MJ.

Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/3-2018/3-2018-05-1174/, p. 35

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