• • • EU agricultural outlook 2019-30: cereal market to continue growing
EU demand for cereals and oilseeds remains driven mainly by feed use, although industrial uses will grow more rapidly. These are just a few of the projections for the arable crops market from the European Union agricultural outlook for 2019-30 report published on 10 December 2019 by the European Commission.
The cereal market is expected to grow through further differentiation. EU production is projected to reach 320 million tonnes in 2030 (compared to 312 million tonnes for 2019). Exports are expected to moderately increase due to enhanced competition at a global level, with rising production in the Black Sea region.
Concerning protein crops, a strong growth in EU production is expected, reaching 6.3 million tonnes in 2030 (compared to 3.9 million tonnes in 2019). This growth will be driven by a strong demand for plant protein products and locally produced protein sources, for both feed purposes and human consumption.