• • • Environmental trial of wheatgrass varieties from northern Kazakhstan in the conditions of Central Yakutia
Crested wheatgrass (Agropyron pectinаtum (Bieb.) Beab.) and Siberian wheatgrass (Agropyron fragile (Roth.) P. Candargy) are new perennial feed grasses for Yakutia’s grass sowing. The high drought tolerance of grains determines the prospects of creating varieties for hay usage on arid meadows in Central Yakutia. Over the 2014–2017 period, nine samples of crested wheatgrass (wide spikes) and one — of Siberian wheatgrass (narrow spikes) from the Research and Development Center of Grain Farming named after A. I. Barayev were tested on a field situated on a terrace floodplain of the Lena River. The green mass yield of the studied samples was 767–1177 g/m2, dry matter yield was 254–351 g/m2 and seed yield was 22–38 g/m2 with a crude protein content of 16.9–19.9% and an exchange energy of 7,.9–8.8 MJ. According to the yield of green mass and dry matter, three samples of crested wheatgrass (wide-spikes) k-1448, k-1014, k-5-558 were chosen; their additions were 223–317 and 27–49 g/m2 respectively. According to the seed yield, sample k-1013 was chosen with an increase of 11 g/m2 to the average for all samples. In the year of sowing with a single earing of individual plants, an elevated content of crude protein (18.2%), crude fat (2.46%), fiber (38.9%) and calcium (1.29%) was noted; the phosphorus content met the nutritional standards. One feeding unit contained 130 g of digestible protein. Since 2016, tests on the allocated samples have begun, their seeds are being multiplied.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/12-2018-2/, p. 41
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