• • • Effectiveness of universal chemicals on blue lupine grown on contaminated soil after the Chernobyl accident

• • • Effectiveness of universal chemicals on blue lupine grown on contaminated soil after the Chernobyl accident

The paper reports on yield and quality of blue lupine green mass (2013–2017) as influenced by fertilizers and preparation “Epin-Ekstra” on contaminated area. Sod-podzolic soil of the trial field contained low amount of clay, 2.02–2.63, 348–512 and 76–155 mg/kg of organic matter, soluble P and exchange K, respectively, pHKCl — 5.28–5.48. Contamination level with 137Cs — 216–248 kBq/m2. The highest yield of green mass (37.6 t ha-1) was observed on the background of N60P90К120 and preparation “Epin-Ekstra”. “Epin-Ekstra” improved green mass productivity of lupine by 20.4%. Crude protein content varied from 16.1 to 18.3%. Total energy costs on various mineral backgrounds made up from 13.82 to 24.58 GJ/ha, gross energy varied within 56.33–131.62 GJ/ha, exchange energy — from 31.83 to 71.08 GJ/ha. The highest yield of feed units (4.91 t ha-1), crude protein (1.07 t ha-1) and gross energy increase occurred on the background of N60P90К120 and “Epin-Ekstra”. Energy coefficient and energy efficiency ratio varied within 4.07–6.06 and 2.30–3.15, respectively. “Epin-Ekstra” in combination with mineral fertilizers decreased specific activity of 137Cs in lupine green mass by 1.83–2.43 times. Specific activity of 137Cs in green mass met the Standard (400 Bq/kg).

Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/10-2018-2/, p. 16

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