• • • Effect of primary tillage on water regime and chickpea yield
The highest water content in soil was observed under boardless plowing prior to chickpea seeding, particularly in lower layers. In the period of chickpea vegetation spring-summer precipitations entered soil more efficiently in plowed variants, improving water regime of the plant. At pod formation stage the best water regime happened under plowing. Boardless plowing increased water use by 9.4%, minimum tillage — by 4.7%, integrated tillage — by 5.3%. Under dry conditions of the Saratov Trans-Volga region significant correlation was established between grain yield and soil water content for meter-deep layer at chickpea branching stage. Increase in water availability by 1% raised chickpea productivity by 0.23 t ha-1. Integrated tillage by the plough PBS-8M improved chickpea productivity by 6.42% on dark chestnut soil. Minimum tillage (BDM 7×3 at 10–12 cm) reduced yield by 13.76%, subsoiling (SSD-4 at 30–32 cm) — by 2.75% compared to conventional cultivation (PLN-8-35 at 23–25 cm).
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/12-2018-2/, p. 14
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