• • • Cultivation of fodder grain crops on drainage lands
The article reports on tillage practices for barley and oat cultivation on drainage area. The investigation took place on the trial field of the Institute of Meliorated Lands. The idea was to compare standard practice with grain yield of 3.0‒3.5 t ha-1 to intensive farming, yielding 4.0‒5.0 t ha-1. Intensive cultivation utilized higher rates of fertilizers, dosing of nitrogen, active plant protection against diseases and pests. Intensive farming increased productivity of barley by 1.27 t ha-1 (39.9%) and oats — by 0.99 t ha-1 (31.4%), compared to the standard one. Under intensive cultivation yield of barley averaged to 4.45 t ha-1 for 5 years, oats — 4.14. All the yield parameters showed positive response. While general costs per square unit raised, labor costs per 1 t of grain dropped by 12.5%, costs for seeds — 35.5%, oil products — 19.1%, energy efficiency ratio rose by 17.9% on the average. Costs for mineral fertilizers for 1 t of grain raised by 27.3% on the average, chemicals — by 34,2%. Intensive farming increased net income from barley by 26.9% but decreased the one from oats — by 23.9%. Payback dropped for both crops by 10.1 and 45.9%, respectively due to high prices for fertilizers and chemicals.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/9-2018-2/, p. 25
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