• • • Crop rotation and productivity as affected by different cultivation technologies
Various cultivation technologies can be used when growing field crops, depending on the availability of farm materials and equipment. This report presents the results on cultivation of vetch-oats mixture, maize and barley in crop rotation. Ecological cultivation resulted in 18.2 t ha-1 of maize green mass, organic technology — 36.0 t ha-1, biologized technology (manure and N30Р30К45 application) — 46.7 t ha-1, intensive technology (manure + N60Р60К90) — 58.8 t ha-1, high-intensive technology (manure + N60Р60К90 + “Dialen Super” herbicide) — 64.2 t ha-1. Fertilization influenced significantly green mass yield of vetch-oats mixture. Vetch-oats mixture produced the least yield of 11.9 t ha-1 under ecological cultivation. When cultivating organically it formed 14.0 t ha-1 of green mass. Under biologized cultivation its yield made up 17.0 t ha-1 while under the intensive one — 21.3 t ha-1. Ecological technology led to the barley grain yield of 1.79 t ha-1, high-intensive cultivation — 0.3 t ha-1. Under ecological cultivation maize produced 3.7 thousand ha-1 of feed units, vetch-oats mixture — 2.4 thousand ha-1 and barley — 1.8 thousand ha-1 while under intensive technology values of feed units amounted to 15.5, 3.6 and 3.2 thousand ha-1, respectively. Intensification of cultivation technique increased significantly maize productivity compared to vetch-oats mixture and barley.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/12-2018-2/, p. 23
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