• • • The “7-step strategy” has been developed for the commercialisation of hulless barley ‘Kornelija’. 1st step is over.

• • • The “7-step strategy” has been developed for the commercialisation of hulless barley ‘Kornelija’. 1st step is over. Project 1st step – Developing the technical economic feasibility study/TEFS and the commercialization strategy. Project 1st period: 1st March 2018 – 27th July 2018. An in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the…

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• • • X International Conference «Where the Margin Is 2019»: Moscow, February 6-7, 2019

• • • X International Conference «Where the Margin Is 2019»: Moscow, February 6-7, 2019 10-th International Conference for agricultural producers and suppliers of agricultural inputs and services meant for agricultural producers, farm land investors, inputs manufacturers, dealers and distributors, financiers, insurers, agribusiness investors, policy makers. Participation conditions: http://www.ikar.ru/wherethemarginis/rules/ .…

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• • • Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism calls for revision of GMO Directive

• • • Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism calls for revision of GMO Directive The European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) Group of Chief Scientific Advisors has published a statement providing a scientific perspective on the regulatory status of products derived from gene editing, and the implications for the GMO Directive. They see…

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• • • Leonardite humic acids as a component of feed additives against mycotoxins

• • • Leonardite humic acids as a component of feed additives against mycotoxins Harmfulness of grain contaminated by mycotoxins is well known. Feeding livestock with contaminated fodder results in poisoning, reduction in productivity, reproductive ability and livability. Our experiments showed Reasil Humic Helth additive, produced by OOO “Layf Fors”…

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