• • • Biology and seed productivity of festulolium in the forest steppe of the Central Chernozem region
Festulolium (× Festulolium F. Aschers. et Graebn.) is the first artificial forage crop of Poaceae. The crop has good aftergrowth capacity, high sugar content and winter hardiness. Biology and seed productivity of new varieties of festulolium were studied for the first time in the forest steppe of the Central Chernozem region. Domestic varieties “Aelita”, “VIK-90”, “Viknel”, “Debyut”, “Izumrudnyy” and “Sinta” performed as objects of study. Field trials were conducted according to Standard Techniques. Phenological observations determined the length of festulolium growing season to be influenced by variety and weather. To form seed yield crops of different life cycle required 1283‒1816°С and total precipitation of 128‒181 mm on the average. “Sinta” and “Izumrudnyy” grew the fastest. They regrew the earliest in spring from the second life cycle and reached the full ripening stage in 83‒88 days after seeding. Period of full seed ripening of “Debyut”, “Viknel” and “VIK-90” made up 96‒102 days, being the longest. “Izumrudnyy” showed the highest intensive linear growth, leaf coverage, leaf area, photosynthetic yield, photosynthetic potential and seed productivity (735.5 kg/g) in the second year. “Sinta” gave less seed yield — 695.9 kg/ha. “VIK-90”, “Viknel” and “Aelita” performed the worst.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/10-2018-2/, p. 35
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