
General questions of forage production

Starodubtseva A. M. MultiSward — the EU research project


MultiSward is an EU-funded project for studying multi-species swards and multi-scale strategies for grassland- based ruminant production systems.

Keywords: sward, hayfi eld, pasture, grassland, multispecies, biodiversity, multifunctional, farming systems, sustainability, competitiveness, agriculture, animal husbandry.

Starodubtseva A. M. Assessment of the forbs’ role in the European grasslands


УДК: [633.2.03:581.9.001.

Many of the leading European grassland scientists suppose the forbs’ real value is still underestimated. Th is concerns not only their ecological functions but also their forage values.

Keywords: forbs, biodiversity, functions, nutritional value, non-fodder value.

Meadow and field forage production

Nemchenko V. V., Kislitsyna A. A. Cultivation of non-traditional annual forage crops in the Kurgan region


УДК: 633.1 (470.58)

The paper analyzes the productivity of non-traditional annual forage crops grown for silage in strip crops. It is found that amaranth, sorghum, and soybeans can significantly improve the fodder supply of the central zone of the Kurgan region.

Keywords: the Kurgan Region, non-traditional crop, strip crops, experimental material.

Privalova K. N., Karimov R. R. The dynamic of the botanical composition of the ryegrass pastures


УДК: 633.02.631

The regularities of herbage formation in ryegrass pasture are studied, the response of plants to the phytocoenotic factor is shown. Th e most valuable plant communities were formed after establishing mixtures of perennial ryegrass with cocksfoot and Kentucky bluegrass.

Keywords: perennial ryegrass, phytocoenotic factor, yield capacity, swards, sown and invasive grasses.

Bondar’ V. I. Productivity of fodder beet depending on the time of sowing in the Kaluga region


УДК: 633.416:631.53.04/.5

The results show the effect of different planting dates on the main indicators of the production process in fodder beet plants cultivated in the Kaluga region.

Keywords: fodder beet, sowing date, productivity.

Bochkarev D. V., Smolin N. V., Nikolskiy A. N. Harmfulness of Taraxácum offi cinále and its control in perennial swards


УДК: 633.2./3:632.954

Allelopathic activity of Taraxacum officinále against perennial grasses is shown. The phytocenotic and chemical methods of controlling this weed are studied. It is found that alfalfa-grass mixture effectively restrains the development of Taraxacum officinále in agrophytocenoses. To suppress the weed in perennial grasses we recommend application of 0.6–0.8 l ha-1 Agritox herbicide.

Keywords: Taraxácum officinále, perennial grasses, allelopathy, nutrients uptake, phytocenotic method of weed control, herbicides.

Esedullaev S. T. Comparative effi ciency of mineral fertilizers’ application methods under cabbage crops in the Upper Volga


УДК: 631.816.2: 582.683.2

The article presents the results of a comparative study of various application methods for calculated rates of mineral fertilizers under such cabbage crops as spring rape, oil radish and white mustard in the Upper Volga region. It is shown that cabbage crops react differently to the improvement of mineral nutrition.

Keywords: cabbage crops, application methods and rates of mineral fertilizers, seed productivity, economic return of mineral fertilization.

Kulakov V. A., Sedova E. G. Eff ect of long-term fertilization on pasture yields and soil agrochemical parameters


УДК: 631.81:631:559

The effect of long-term use of mineral and organic fertilizers on the yield of pasture was studied along with the main agrochemical parameters and energy capacity of sodpodzolic soils. It was found that feed yield, herbal uptake of nitrogen and mineral elements, humus content, total exchangeable bases, soil acidity and other agrochemical parameters are largely determined by the level of mineral and organic fertilizers.

Keywords: pastures, mineral and organic fertilizers, soil agrochemical parameters, acidity, soil energy potential, gramineous agrophytocenoses.

Selection and seed growing of fodder crops

Putsa N. M., Razgul’ayeva N. V., Kostenko N.Yu., Blagoveschenskaya E.Yu. On the susceptibility of forage grass to the main fungal diseases


УДК: 632.2/.3:632.4

The article presents the results of pest monitoring on perennial forage grasses.

Keywords: forage grasses, fungal diseases, monitoring.

Kosolapov V. M., Kostenko S. I., Pilipko S. V., Kostenko N. Y. Current priorities in breeding perennial grasses in the regions of the Russian Federation


УДК: 633.2:631.526.32/.52

The article provides the data on supplying the Russian regions with forage grasses’ cultivars, the main directions of their selection are shown.

Keywords: gramineous grasses, cultivar, region.

Sagalbekov U. M., Sagalbekov E. U. Cultivars of perennial grasses for Western Siberia and Northern Kazakhstan


УДК: 633.2/3: 631.527.1

The article presents the results of breeding perennial grasses for the steppe zone of Western Siberia in Russia and northern Kazakhstan. For meadow and field fodder production in the region they recommend the promising varieties of alfalfa, clover, sainfoin, smooth brome-grass, Aconogonon divaricatum L., and goat‘s rue.

Keywords: variety, perennial grasses.

Regional forage production

Pigareva N. N., Shvetsova N. E. The effi ciency of mineral fertilization on the natural meadow phytocenoses of Buryatia


УДК: 631.82 (571.54)

The application of mineral fertilizers increases the productivity and quality of herbs, and improves the structure of meadow phytocenosis. It also supports the fertility of cryomorphic soils at high level.

Keywords: cryomorphic soil, meadow plant communities, perennial herbs, productivity, quality.

Daineko N. M., Sapegin L. M., Timofeev S. F. Productivity of grass meadow associations in the fl oodplain of the Dnieper River


УДК: 633.2.031: 631.559(2

The article gives a description of meadow associations in the floodplain of the Dnieper, with high natural productivity.

Keywords: meadow ecosystem, productivity.

Idrisov R. A., Kaipov Y. Z. Productive longevity of perennial gramineous grasses on slope lands of the Trans-Urals steppe


УДК: 633.2/3:91

Psathyrostachys juncea is the most effective at creating high-seeded perennial grasslands and pastures. Soils under the seeded grasses are at less risk of degradation and deflation. Th e maximum accumulation of above-ground biomass, the exchange energy and digestible protein in the arid steppe is recorded on sloping land.

Keywords: productive longevity, sustainable swards, digestible protein, slope lands.

Nazyn-ool O. A., Chadamba N. D. Using the pastures of the Khemchik basin in the Republic of Tuva


Chadamba N. D., Nazyn-ool O. A. Vegetable associations and topsoil cover of the pastures in the Khemchik basin of Tuva


УДК: 631.2.03.3.

The morphology and chemical composition of soils was studied in Khemchik basin. Their plant associations are identified and described. The aim of the research was to improve the rational use of the valley and the high biological productivity of its grasslands. Th e paper presents an analysis of the soil cover’s texture and chemical composition.

Keywords: basin, slope, vegetation associations, soil, humus, mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium, soil hydrogen test, erosion.

The bookshelf

Kosolapov V. M., Novoselova A. S., Novoselov M. Yu. Ecologically oriented breeding and seed production of red clover. The results a 25-year research by the creative association of clover breeders


УДК: 633.321.2/.3:631.52.

“Ecologically oriented breeding and seed production of red clover. The results a 25-year research by the creative association of clover breeders” — this is the name of a new book edited and published by the All-Russian Williams Fodder Research Institute, RAAS. This new publication gives an analysis of the long-term work as a result of which 13 cultivars of red clover were included into the State Register of the breeding achievements. Th e book is intended for the research staff , graduate students, agricultural enterprizes staff , high school teachers and students.

Keywords: red clover, biology, ecologically oriented breeding, seed production, new cultivars.

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