General questions of forage production
Аrtyukhov А. I., Podobedov A. V. Lupine is the important part of strategy for Russia’s self-provision with complementary protein
УДК: 636.085:636.2:636.5
The article broaches a problem of strategic provision for human nutrition and animal husbandry with complementary protein. It deals with protein importance in healthy nutrition and food security, the examples from developed countries are given. It is stated that lupine is as important for cold continental Russian climate, as soybean is for USA and Brasilia from the strategic point of view. An important role is assigned to the work of the Russian Lupine Research Institute in the expansion of lupine cultivation, its addition to animal and poultry rations and satiation of home market with protein forage products with added lupine.
Keywords: problems of lupine cultivation, variety testing and breeding, complementary protein, protein concentrates, animal rations.
Likhatchev B. S., Novik N. V., Zakharova M. V. Volumes of elite seed production as a factor for lupine sowing development in Russia
УДК: 633.367.1
Possibilities of providing with elite seeds for revived yellow lupin industry are analysed. It is proposed to supplement the original seed production outline with a breeding farm of a three-year-old progeny and a breeding farm of the third year reproduction.
Keywords: yellow lupine, possibilities for expansion of cultivation area, original seed production outline
Meadow and field forage production
Isaeva E. I., Artyukhov A. I. Variable crop rotations with lupine and soybean and their effi ciency in fi eld fodder production
УДК: 631.582(633.367.2 +
The article analyzes economic and power efficiency of variable crop rotations with narrow-leafed lupine, soybean, winter and spring rape in a structure with three technological systems of crop cultivation in the South-West of the Non-Chernozem zone. Th e dramatic decrease of grain productivity and main fodder indexes at inclusion of soybean as a south ecotype crop in crop rotation is shown.
Keywords: crop rotation, metabolic energy (ME), digestible protein (DP), energy feed unit (EFU), powerconsuming production
Slesareva T. N., Takunov I. P., Egorov I. F. Power saving feed technology production based on heterogenous coenosis of white lupine and grasses
УДК: 633.367.2:584.5
The article presents the research data on white lupine cultivation in mixed crops with grains. Th e yield and feeding value estimation is given.
Keywords: white lupine, mixed crops, weediness, yield, quality
Yagovenko L. L., Misnikova N. V., Yagovenko G. L. Dependence between meteorological conditions of vegetation period and narrow-leafed lupine seed yield quantity and quality in crop rotations
УДК: 633:367.2:551.58:631
The results describing the dependence of lupine seed yield and raw protein content on the hydrothermal conditions of vegetation period are given. It is shown that seed productivity depends on the conditions of June and the amount of protein increases if the hydrothermal coefficient in July is less than 1.
Keywords: narrow-leafed lupine, productivity, raw protein, hydrothermal coefficient.
Pimokhova L. I., Tsarapneva Zh. V. Various plant protection measures in lupine cultivation
УДК: 633.367:632.931+632.
It was established that lupine has been less infected with anthracnose in two and more times in mixed crops with barley compared to pure stands. High productivity of seed treatment with Vitawax-200FF, Dividend Star and thermal treatment as well as with the fungicide Amistar Extra and tank mixture of Amistar Extra and Albit has been proved under field conditions. Th ese treatments against anthracnose have been applied at lupine plants during the vegetation period. Only complex measure of seed treatment and two lupine plants sprayings at vegetation period could significantly decrease lupine yield losses because of anthracnose.
Keywords: mixed crop, high temperatures, anthracnose, fungicides, lupine.
Selection and seed growing of fodder crops
Ageeva P. A., Pochutina N. A., Klimenko A. A. Blue lupine in ensuring the production of vegetable protein
УДК: 633.367.2:631.526.32
The article presents the results of studying the varieties of blue lupine for seed and green mass productivity, content of crude protein and protein yield per unit area.
Keywords: blue lupine, variety, yield, protein yield.
Lukashewich M. I., Sviridenko T. V. Directions and results of breeding white lupine
УДК: 633.367.3:631.524/.5
The results and trends of white lupine breeding are presented. Th e characteristic of the new high-yielding variety “Aliy Parus” is given.
Keywords: white lupine, selection.
Savvicheva I. K., Likhachev B. S. Breeding yellow lupine in Bryansk region
УДК: 633.367.1: 631.527
The article gives information on the development and direction of selection and seed production of yellow lupine in the Bryansk region for the period 1916–2011.
Keywords: yellow lupine, directions and results of selection.
Savvicheva I. K., Draganskaya M. G., Lischenko P. Y., Chaplygina V. V. On estimation of yellow lupine samples by accumulation of radioactive cesium in plants
УДК: 633.367.1:631.524.6
Th e article presents the results of determination of the content of 137Cs in the soil and in the seeds of yellow lupine cultivars and breeding numbers in 1994–1996. A number of samples with consistently low accumulation of radionuclides is marked.
Keywords: yellow lupine, sample, radionuclide 137Cs.
Yagovenko Т. V., Pigareva S. А., Zaytseva N. М., Misnikova N. V.Regulation of lupine plants’ protective reactions by means of chemical compounds
УДК: 633.367.632.934
The effect of low concentrations of salicylic acid and hydroxynone on immune reaction of narrow-leafed and yellow lupin plants at anthracnose infection is shown. These compounds can be used for the development of environmental- friendly chemicals for lupin protection.
Keywords: lupine, anthracnose, salicylic acid, hydroxynone, immune modulators, lignin, peroxidase, resistance induction.
Misnikova N. V., Kornev A. P. Using factor analysis for the elements of yellow lupine plants’ productivity
УДК: 633.367.1:631.523.4/
The article presents the results of quantitative assessment of independent factors, so as to describe the relationship between the features affecting the productivity of lupine plants.
Keywords: yellow lupine, factor analysis.
Novik N. V. Using continuous selection in breeding yellow lupine
УДК: 633.367.1: 631.527.1
The article presents the results of continuous selection in breeding yellow lupine.
Keywords: yellow lupine, continuous individual selection.
Yagovenko Т. V., Pigareva S. А., Troshina L. V. Response biochemical reactions of narrow-leafed lupine to anthracnose infection
УДК: 581.4:632.4:633.367.
The article shows the pattern of changes for a number of biochemical characters in different narrow-leafed lupine genotypes from the anthracnose resistance point of view. It is discovered that peroxidase activity and lignin biosynthesis increase are some of the plant’s reactions to infection at early ontogenesis stages.
Keywords: narrow-leafed lupine, anthracnose, peroxidase, lignin.
Zakharova M. V., Novik N. V., Likhachev B. S. Variability of elements of seed productivity and its use in primary seed production of yellow lupine
УДК: 633.367.1: 631.527.1
The experimental results justified using the number of seeds per inflorescence index as a criterion for the selection of elite plants of yellow lupine.
Keywords: yellow lupine, seed productivity, selection.
The bookshelf
Recommendations on practical application of fodder from blue lupine in the rations of farm animals
Quantitative measurement of alkaloid content in lupine
Lupine: Genetics, Breeding, Heterogeneous Crops
УДК: 633.367: 631.52 + 58