
Meadow and field forage production

Lazarev N. N., Dmitrevskaya I. I., Kurenkova E. M., Kostikova T. V.The chemical composition of fodders dependent on grass mixtures and cutting frequency


УДК: [633.24+633.31] 636.

The three-time cutting regime of grass mixtures with a high proportion of variable alfalfa and white clover provides green feeds with crude protein from 15,37 to 25,18 %. For obtaining the result on the grasses the application of 180 kg/ha nitrogen is required.

Keywords: variable alfalfa, white clover, grasses, grass mixtures, cutting regimes, nitrogen fertilizers, crude protein.

Stepanov A. F., Aleksandrova S. N. The influence of mineral nutrition and cutting regimes on the productivity of Galega orientalis Lam.


УДК: 631.5:633.37

It is shown that cutting stages pattern of eastern goat’srue in Western Siberia should be interchanged during the utilization years from “bloom — budding — bloom — bloom” to “bloom — fruiting — bloom — bloom”.

Keywords: Galega orientalis, cutting regime, soil nutrition degree, development stages, productivity.

Blagoveschensky G. V. Innovative potential of the leguminous sward diversity


УДК: 633.31/.37

The swards’ productivity can be increased via extending the variability of leguminous component in mixtures. Improving and maintaining the swards’ feed value allow expanding protein output and levelling down soybean import for milk and meat production in Europe. Legume cultivation provides a 2.5–3.0 times’ decrease of nonrenewable energy expenditures, due to the rhizobial nitrogen fi xation. Maintaining the legume’s share of 30–50 % can be optimal for dry matter yield, high feed value and good palatability, as well as minimize nitrogen emissions.

Keywords: leguminous grasses, grass mixtures, usage prospectives.

Yu. N. Eremina, Gvozdeva K. I. Vasily R. Williams: an outstanding scientist of his time


УДК: 631/635 (092)

The biography of V. R. Williams is closely related to the history of Petrovskaya, then Timiryazevskaya agricultural academy. A number of independent departments and research institutes have evolved from his department, and not only within the Academy. He undertook a minute study of the USSR’s soils and agriculture; before the revolution he has been on numerous expeditions across the country, and he was familiar with the nature of the agricultural areas of the USA and Canada, France, and Germany. The elements of the grassland farming system developed by V. R. Williams, which expand the recovery of the soil fertility, are found in the modern technologies.

Keywords: Vasily R. Williams, soil science, grassland science, grassland farming.

Selection and seed growing of fodder crops

Kravtsov V. V., Kravtsov V. A., Nadmidov N. V., Ivashenenko I. N.Varieties of perennial grasses for forage production in arid conditions


УДК: 633.2/.3:631.526.32

The varieties of perennial leguminous and gramineous grasses bred by the Stavropol ARI are shortly characterized.

Keywords: perennial leguminous and gramineous grasses, cultivar, productivity.

Perepravo N. I., Trukhan O. V., Ryabova V. E. Scientifi c basis of the shortgrasses’ seed production


УДК: 631.2/.3.03:631.531.

The scientifi c basis of formation is developed together with the energy-efficient, ecologically safe techniques for cultivating and harvesting highly productive agricultural phytocenosis of shortgrasses for seed use. They are built on studying the development biology of the crops, blooming and seed formation peculiarities, determination of the optimal structural indices of the seed swards dependent on the soil and climatic factors.

Keywords: seed production, forage crops, swards for seed use, shortgrasses, environmental management.

Tyurin Yu. S., Kosolapov V. M. Grain forage crop cultivars of common vetch: an additional source of feed protein


УДК: 633.352.1:636.086

Use of common vetch for forage production is substantiated. Experimental data on the amino acid protein composition is presented.

Keywords: common vetch, protein, anti-nutritional factors, grain forage crop cultivar, compound feed, diet.

Babich A. A., Aralov O. V. On the formation of the symbiotic potential of common vetch cultivars in the Right Bank forest-steppe of Ukraine


УДК: 633.352.1

The results of the research into formation of the symbiotic potential of common vetch cultivars are presented for various sowing dates and seeding rates in the conditions of the Right Bank forest-steppe of Ukraine.

Keywords: common vetch, symbiotic potential, nitrogen fi xation.

Regional forage production

Velikdan N. T., Kushch E. D., Grebennikov V. G., Shipilov I. A., Jeltopuzov V. N. The problems and prospects of developing the grassland-based forage production in the Stavropol Territory


УДК: 633.2.03:631.5

A comprehensive approach to the technology of accelerated recovery of long-term grass stands in the hayfi elds and pastures for beef cattle and sheep is suggested on the basis of the low-cost methods of soil tillage and selecting adaptive kinds of grass mixtures.

Keywords: productivity, soil tillage method, grass mixtures, reseeding.

Belayeva T. N. The effect of fertilizers and growth regulator on the productivity of Echinacea purpurea in the south of the Tomsk region


УДК: 615.32:58

Echinacea purpurea is a promising forage crop containing the indispensable vitamins, microelements and the essential amino acids. Feed additives on its basis favorably affect the immunity of livestock. Th eeffect of growth regulator “Epin-Extra” and mineral fertilization on plant growth and development was studied on the samples which showed the highest green mass and dry matter yield in the conditions of the Tomsk region. The data may be used for development of the zonal cultivation of Echinacea. Both treatments had a positive eff ect on the productivity of purple conefl ower, the impact of “Epin-Extra” being more signifi cant than that of the mineral fertilization. Applying the growth regulator enhanced the accumulation of biologically active substances in the experimental Echinacea plants. Th e obtained data can be used for developing the crop’s cultivation technology for the taiga zone of West Siberia.

Keywords: Echinacea purpurea, “Epin-Extra”, mineral fertilizers, productivity.

Adamen’ F. F., Kudinov S. V. Comparative performance of winter fodder crops and their mixtures


УДК: 636.086.2/.75:633.26

The fodder productivity and nutritive balance were assessed for the mixtures of winter cereals and brassica crops. The efficiency of cultivating winter cereals was evaluated in pure crops and in the mixtures with brassica crops and legumes.

Keywords: winter fodder crops, productivity, feed value, cultivation efficiency.


Shevtsov A. V. Technical effects on meadows


УДК: 631. 53.024

The results of studies on the influence of technical digression on the agro-physical properties of meadow soils are presented. The soil panning and damaging effect of the propulsors of agricultural machinery on the soil and the grasses’ sod is shown.

Keywords: moisture, density, soil aeration, ground pressure of the machinery, meadow sod.

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