
Meadow and field forage production

Kozhevnikova N. M., Pigareva N. N. On lanthanum accumulation in oats plants


УДК: 633.15: 631.95

The article presents the results of studying lanthanum accumulation in oats plants. It is found that its concentration in plant roots is 1.1–1.4 times higher than in canopy.

Keywords: oats, lanthanum, accumulation in biomass.

Naumkin V. N., Naumkina L. A., Muravyev A. A., Artyukhov A. I., Lukashevitch M. I. Adaptive cultivation technology for white lupine on the black soils of the Central Chernozem region


УДК: 633. 367. 3 : 631.5

Adaptive cultivation technology for white lupine has been developed. It allows producing high grain yield on the black soils in the Central Chernozem region.

Keywords: white lupine, adaptive cultivation technology, grain yield, soil fertility.

Anisimova T. Yu., Novikov M. N. Using straw as a fertilizer for increasing the productivity potential of pulse crops


УДК: 633.31/37:631.871

The article presents the results of using grain crops straw as a fertilizer for cultivating blue lupine and soybean.

Keywords: blue lupine, soybean, straw, fertilizer.

Elizarova T. I., Esaulova L. A. Developing the nutrient solution culture for obtaining green fodder


УДК: 636.084/085

The effect of subtrate for nutrient solution culture used for seed soaking is studied on the germination, growth intensity and nutritive value of the fodder obtained. Recommendations are given for the use of mineral solution of specific composition for seed soaking, increasing the fodder value.

Keywords: hydroponic green mass, mineral substances, nutrient solutions, automatic machinery GPU-MK, soaking, grain germination, zoological analysis, livestock feeding.

Selection and seed growing of fodder crops

Ivshin G. I. On stabilizing the fodder pulse crops yields in the Non-Chernozem zone


УДК: 633. 31/37: 631.524.

The factors of stabilizing he productivity of pulse crops are discussed on the examples of pea, vetch and fodder beans.

Keywords: pulse crops, cultivar, agricultural techniques, seeds.

Kravtsov V. V., Kravtsov V. A., Nadmidov N. V. A Festulolium cultivar for hay and grazing


УДК: 633.28:631.526.32

The Festulolium cultivar Viknel is characterized by his industrial and biological traits; the recommendations are given for its cultivation.

Keywords: Festulolium, cultivar, agricultural technique.

Regional forage production

Sadokhin I. Yu. Peculiarities of the agricultural practice for fodder beans cultivation in the steppes of West Siberia


УДК: 631.5:633.31/37

The specific features of grain productivity formation Vicia faba L. are described as depending on the methods and rates of sowing in the conditionsof the steppes of Northern Kulunda.

Keywords: Vicia faba L., fodder beans, seeding method, seeding rate, inter-row tillage.

Danilov K. P. Experience of topinambour cultivation in Chuvashia


УДК: 633.494

Some aspects of growing topinambour are covered on the example of the Chuvash farms. Th e most important courses of breeding are drawn as follows: improving the suitability for mechanization, including obtaining a regular geometric shape of the tubers; producing cultivars with a thick cork layer for better preservation capacity.

Keywords: topinambour, mechanization, cultivation, preservation capacity of the topinambour tubers.

Konoplya N. I., Dombrovskaya S. S. Floodplain meadows of the small and middle rivers of the Severski Donets basin: productivity and forage quality


УДК: 633.2.03/3:631.559/3

The article presents the results of the long-term field reconnaissance of the small and middle rivers of the Seversky Donеts basin. Their herbage species composition is documented as well as the quantitative interrelation of agrobotanical groups, the herbages’ productivity and quality of their green mass and hay.

Keywords: floodplain meadows, hayfields, pastures, productivity, hay, green mass.

Samsonova I. D., Dobrynin N. D. Evaluation of the forage basis for bees on the farmlands of the Don steppes


УДК: 638.132:638.141.64

The qualification methodology is established for assessing the bioresource potential of field, vegetable, fruit and berry crops in the bee-keeping areas. The number of bee colonies needed for honey collection is specified for upusing the bioresource potential of an agricultural land.

Keywords: field crops, bioresource potential, farmland, honey supply, bee pasture zoning.

Pankov D. M. The value of melliferous bees in the rational use of lands


УДК: 626.87: 638. 1(571.1

A solution of the problem of rational use of lands in the forest-steppe of Altai Krai possibly by improvement of biological methods of conducting agriculture on the basis of Th e ways of rational land use in the Altai Territory are suggested on the basis of wider use of melliferous bees as a strategic factor. Thus, the bee pollination of sainfoin gave an increase of seed productivity by more than 30 %, while application of fertilizers (Р35К20) by 20‒25 %. It is shown that nectariferous vegetation on inarable lands promotes succession development.

Keywords: rational use of lands, melliferous bees, nectariferous vegetation, favorable environment.

Kulikova E. Yu. How to feed the French (an interview with A. A. Schwarz, general manager of «Tyumen’ meat company»)



Burlutskiy E. M., Pavlidis V. D., Tchkalova M. V. Methods for determination of the stochastic processes’ characteristics in the conditional zones of the working space of a hammer mill


УДК: 631.363.21

The article describes an authors’ solution for determination of the stochastic processes’ characteristics in the conditional zones of the working space of a hammer mill. An algorithm is given for building-up the mathematical model of the studied process in every conditional zone of the working space of a closed hammer mill with jointly swinging hammers.

Keywords: air-and-product layer, empirical data, mathematical methods, data processing, transfer functions, correlation functions, dynamical systems.

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