General questions of forage production
Shathsky I. M., Ivanov I. S. To the memory of Mikhail I. Nenarokov
УДК: 633.2
The scientific society celebrates the 110th anniversary of the outstanding grassland geobotanist M.I. Nenarokov, who was a breeder and a honored agronomist. His work is successfully continued by the Voronezh experimental station for perennial grasses.
Keywords: feed production, perennial herbs, grass mixtures, breeding.
Starodubtseva A. M. On the protein problem in the European grassland-based forages production
УДК: 633.2.03
Despite the agricultural intensification the EU member- states are facing fodder protein deficiency which affects the food safety. Th e scientists suggest shifting to a more extensive animal husbandry that is a grassland-based farming producing less costly fodders than soybean, lupine or other field legumes.
Keywords: protein, nutritional value, grassland-based forage production.
Meadow and field forage production
Shevchenko V. A., Soloviev A. M., Prosviryak P. N. Programming the productivity of oats and vetch in pure and mixed crops for grain forage in the Upper Volga
УДК: 636.085
The article analyzes the productivity of mixed crops of oats and vetch at different mixing ratio of the components. The yield structure is determined for pure and mixed crops. The estimation of economic efficiency is given to grain forage cultivation in the Upper Volga.
Keywords: grain forage, productivity programming, mixed crops, the role of nitrogen, biological nitrogen, biological yield.
Denisov E. P., Timkina A. G. Energy-saving tillage methods for oats cultivation
УДК: 633.13:631.51 (470.4
The article presents the results of studying the effect of different energy-saving tillage methods (minimal and no-till) on the agrophysical and agrichemical properties of the soil, as well as on the crops’ weediness and productivity.
Keywords: primary tillage, herbicides, oats, productivity, profitability.
Reznikov D. S. Productivity of frequently cut legume-grass mixtures in the North of the Central region of Non-Chernozem zone
УДК: 633.2.031
The experimental results show the potential productivity of legume-grass mixtures including varieties bred by the All-Russian Institute of Fodder such as red clover Mars and alfalfa Lugovaya 67.
Keywords: mode of use, productivity, biological nitrogen, biomass quality.
Kotlyarova O. G., Kotlyarova E. G., Lubentsov S. M. Pea productivity dependent on tillage method and mineral fertilization
УДК: 633.358:631.51/.82
The article presents the the effects of different methods of primary tillage and mineral fertilization on the yield of pea seeds and the product cost.
Keywords: pea, tillage, mineral fertilizers, productivity, production cost.
Prosviryak P. N., Shevchenko V. A. Methods of weed control on maize crops in the Upper Volga
УДК: 636.085
Ridge seeding and low doses of soil herbicide Trophy 90 provide rapid germination and high maize productivity.
Keywords: weeds, maize, ridge sowing, herbicide, crop density.
Selection and seed growing of fodder crops
Kosolapov V. M., Kostenko S. I. Breeding forage crops and food security in Russia: problems and solutions
УДК: 633.2/.3:338.242.4
The increasing dependence of Russia on foreign quality seed producers is discussed along with the current imperfectness of certain by-laws.
Keywords: forage grasses, cultivar, seeds, variety testing, legislation.
Kovtunova N. A., Ermolina G. M., Shishova E. A. Sorghum grass varieties for the Rostov region
УДК: 633.282:631.526.32
The article gives a brief description of the new varieties of sorghum and sorghum x Sudan grass hybrids, highly adapted to the local conditions.
Keywords: variety, Sudan grass, sorghum-Sudan grass hybrid.
Panasov M. N., Germantseva N. I., Germantsev L. A. Adaptive cultivation technology for chickpea elite seed production in the arid Volga region
УДК: 635.657:631.531
The article presents the production scheme for chickpea original seeds and describes their cultivation technology.
Keywords: chickpea, cultivar, seeds, productivity, technology.
Goloborod’ko S. P., Gal’chenko N. N. Hungarian sainfoin (Onobrychis arenaria) in the southern steppes of Ukraine
УДК: 633.361/.263:636.085
The article presents the results of cultivating different varieties of sainfoin with Italian ryegrass in natural moisture conditions.
Keywords: Hungarian sainfoin, Onobrychis arenaria, Italian ryegrass, precipitation, dry matter, yield.
Regional forage production
Pankov D. M. Effi ciency of sainfoin cultivation in the forest-steppe of the Altai
УДК: 633.2.031/.033
The paper analyzes the productivity of sainfoin cultivated for fodder purposes, depending on the agricultural practices. Th e best results were obtained in wide crops at the seeding rate of 6 million viable seeds per 1 ha. Profitability reaches 25.5%. Additional revenue is provided by the products of bee keeping.
Keywords: forest-steppe of the Altai, sainfoin, timing and methods of planting, seeding rates, fertilizer, bee pollination, productivity, economic and bioenergetic efficiency.
Titova I. S., El’kina G. Y. The eff ectiveness of blue lupine cultivation in the middle taiga subzone
УДК: 633.367.2:631.559
The article presents the results of the energy assessment of cultivating different morphotype varieties of blue lupine in the middle taiga subzone.
Keywords: blue lupine, variety, nutritional value, energy efficiency of crop cultivation.
The bookshelf
About the benefi ts and the beauty of lupine
“Lupine: its opportunities and prospects”* — this is the proceedings’ title of the International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Institute of lupine. Th e book includes 66 scientific articles by the leading scientists from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. It is addressed to researchers, graduate students, students, managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises.
Keywords: lupine, breeding, seed production, cultivation technology, the 25th anniversary of the Institute of lupine.