• • • Productivity and feed value of maize hybrids under mineral fertilization and growth regulators in the forest-steppe of the middle Volga Region

• • • Productivity and feed value of maize hybrids under mineral fertilization and growth regulators in the forest-steppe of the middle Volga Region

The research aimed at studying the effect of mineral fertilizers and growth stimulators on productivity and forage quality of short-season and middle-early maize hybrids in the forest steppe of the Middle Volga region. It took place on trial field of research laboratory “Korma” of Samara State Agricultural Academy in 2015–2016. In 2015–2016 fertilized maize hybrids yielded 5.24–7.76 t ha-1, while the ones, treated by growth stimulators — 5.68–7.98 t ha-1.

The highest productivity of 7.76 t ha-1 was achieved for short season hybrid “Krasnodarskiy 194” under fertilization for the planned yield of 9 t ha-1. “Krasnodarskiy 194” exceeded other hybrids in productivity (7,98 t ha-1) after “Aminokat” applicati on. Among middle-early hybrids “Gitago” performed the best: 8.40–10.69 t ha-1 — in 2015 and 4.80–5.58 t ha-1 — in 2016. These hybrids had the best forage values. “Gitago” gave the highest yield of feed and feed-protein units under increased fertilization — 7.14 and 5.50 thousand ha-1, respectively. “Krasnodarskiy 194” showed the best fodder qualities, when treated by “Aminokat”: digestible protein content made up 0.41 t ha-1, feed and feed-protein units — 8.38 and 6.22 thousand ha-1, respectively, exchange energy — 89.82 GJ ha-1.

Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/9-2017-2/, p. 40

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