• • • Effect of growth regulators on soybean in the South of Ukraine

• • • Effect of growth regulators on soybean in the South of Ukraine

Paper presents the results on field trials related to effectiveness of growth regulators on middle-early soybean varieties “Aratta” and “Sofiya” in the South of Ukraine under irrigation. It was revealed that treating soybean by preparations “Megafol” and “Nanomiks” stimulated top growth, increased plant height and improved reproductive organ formation. It led to bean and seed number increases as well as seed weight and thousand-seed weight rise. The highest yield increase — 0.27–0.40 t ha-1 — happened for both soybean varieties when treating them by “Megafol” and “Nanomiks”. Applying the given preparations also had positive effect on protein and fat contents in seeds and improved forage value of soybean. These preparations provided high economical efficacy. Additional profit due to their application made up 3041–3988 and 2624–3883 hryvna ha-1 respectively. Preparations “Nanovit Mikro” and “Gumifild” were less effective. The highest productivity (2.93 t ha-1), net profit (17350 hryvna ha-1) and level of profitability (126.6%) occurred for “Sofiya” under “Megafol” treatment.

Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/10-2017-2/, p. 29

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