• • • System of forage conveyor in the Samara Region: structure, productivity, feed value
Paper contains data on composition and ratio of crops for green and feed conveyor in hay, haylage and silage productions, including design and harvesting time. Varieties of forage crops are recommended. First components of green conveyor are natural and cultivated pastures. In their absence green fodder are winter crops: cress, rye, wheat and triticale-vetch mixtures. Next component are perennial grasses. After their cutting short-season mixtures of oats and sunflower with legumes, spring rapeseed and oil radish. In the second half of summer conveyor includes annual long-season crops: Sudan grass, foxtail millet, millet, maize, sweet sorghum, and their mixtures with legumes. Starting from September pumpkin and feeding root crops are cultivated. Good forage for late autumn are mixtures of winter rye and vetch, spring vetch and oats. Annual grasses should be balanced in sugar and protein content for haylage. When making silage, good mixtures are maize and sorghum with malvaceous, amarantus or annual melilot. Silage conveyor contains maize, sunflower-pea-oats mixtures and sweet sorghum. In order to obtain high-quality forage, it is efficient to cultivate four-component mixtures of barley, oats, pea and lupine. Such mixtures are able to form yield up to 2.0 t ha-1.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/9-2017-2/, p. 7
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