• • • Productivity of annual field crop mixtures in the dry steppe of the Volga region
Field trials reported high productivity and also low adaptability of single-crop sowing. The latter makes productivity highly dependent on weather conditions. Cultivation of field crops as grass mixtures increases agrocenosis adaptability and productivity from 1 ha. Field trial took place in 2015–2017 in Saratov. Two-component grass mixtures performed as the objects of study: oats monoculture, oats and spring vetch, oats and oil radish, oats and white melilot, oats and amaranth. Mixtures of oats with oil radish, white melilot and amaranth exceeded conventional combination of oats and vetch in green mass productivity and quality. The highest yield of green mass happened in oats-oil radish mixture when seeding 3.0 and 1.2 million germinated seeds per 1 ha, respectively — 29.7 t ha-1. Mixtures of oats and oil radish (seeding rate of 3.5 and 1.0 million seeds) and oats with white melilot (seeding rate of 3.0 and 1.0 million seeds) provided the maximal yield of feed units — 4.69 and 4.57 t ha-1. The best content of digestible protein in green mass occurred when cultivating oats with amaranth under the seeding rate of 2.5 and 1.5 million germinated seeds per 1 ha, respectively — 169 g per 1 feed unit.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/3-2018-2/, p. 6
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