• • • Introduction of maize cultivation technology for grain production in the middle Urals
The lack of seed production determined insignificant spread of short-season maize varieties and hybrids in ХХ century, requiring 95–100 days for the period of germination–dough stage. In contrast, the cultivation area for long-season genotypes increased rapidly up to 150–180 thousand ha. Those genotypes had low content of dry matter (DM), resulting in production of low-quality silage and gradual reduction of sowing area. In 2008 Ural Research Institute started investigations on selection of early-season hybrids, adjusted to regional conditions and development of their cultivation technology for grain production. They were tested for 10 years, varying in weather conditions (2008–2017). Hybrids “Kubanskiy 101 SV”, “Ross 130 SV” and “Obskiy 140 SV” gave the highest yield of DM (10–12 t ha-1); DM concentration in green mass making up 25–30%. The best quality of maize mass (10–10.5 MJ kg-1 and 25–28% of starch in DM) happened for 6 years, characterized by the most favorable temperature from flowering to the middle dough stage. Accumulated positive temperatures averaged to 1162 оС for this period. Annual high yields of milky-dough grain require warm conditions, provided by early sowing (I–II decade of May) in the fields, facing south and harvesting in the II decade of September.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/3-2018-2/, p. 12
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