• • • Influence of pasture-protective forest belts of black saxaul on natural pasture productivity in the desert
The paper deals with development of pasture-protective forest belts of black saxaul and their positive influence on pasture flora, growing in deserts and semi-deserts in Central Asia. Locations, suitable for black saxaul, had pasture-protective belts of 15–25 m in width. Planting took place mainly in winter (December–January); planting depth being 18–20 cm. Intensive tillage was performed as for autumn–winter period. Strip-till was characterized by strip width of up to 3 m and inter-strip untilled spacing — up to 3–8 m. Pasture-protective forest belts improved environment of the territories, adjoined to them, increased pasture productivity, protected fauna from strong wind, dust storm, winter blizzard and snowstorm. Protective forest belts improved natural sward formation and provided favorable conditions for radical improvement of forage lands by planting valuable forage crops.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/11-2017-2/, p. 3
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