• • • Improved rates for nutrient consumption — basis for the effective feeding development of dairy cow
The research aimed at studying the requirements of dairy cows in energy and nutrients in the periods of lactation. The cows produced 8000 kg of milk annually and weighted 600 kg. To determine the requirements in energy and nutrients the factorial trial was used. It targeted physiological needs of the cows and tested the effect of feeding on milk productivity. The scheme of energy balance in the cow organism was specified. It allowed additionally considering weight and activity fluctuations.
The experiment determined the regression equation and model for exchange energy and main nutrient demands through the factorial analysis that included factors for basic needs, milk production, pregnancy, weight gain (loss) and activity during the lactation. The experiment analyzed nutrient digestibility and consumptions of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus as well as parameters of the gut metabolism and blood biochemical composition as affected by improved feeding. As a result of that feeding milk productivity increased by 6.0% for 305 days of the lactation. Milk fat and protein yields significantly rose. Fodder costs for 1 kg of four percent milk were lower than that of the control by 3.6% expressed as the exchange energy value while income raised.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/archive/6-2017-2/, p.39
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