• • • Evaluation of promising red clover tetraploid samples in competitive variety trial
The article presents the results of a competitive field trial of new tetraploid varieties of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). Two cycles of research were carried out according to standard methods in the All-Russian Williams Fodder Research Institute in 2013–2016. The varieties No. 404, No. 416, Mars × Р2G, No. 63+КР-2, TOS-3, and TOS-4 showed the best winter hardiness (4–5 points) in the first as well as in the second year of using. The samples No. 404, Mars × Р2S, Mars × Р2G, SGP-7, No. 63+КР-2 were the most droughtresistant. In the extremely drought and hot conditions these samples exceeded the standard VIK 84 by 14–18% in productivity of green matter and dry matter. The following varieties are recommended for State variety trial. Ultra-early maturing varieties No. 416, No. 404, SGP-7, and Mars × Р2S, which were similar to the standard in green matter and dry matter productivity (50–53 and 10.6–11.3 t ha-1, respectively) and crude protein yield (1.65–1.70 t ha-1), reached the cut maturity by 6–9 days earlier than the standard. Early maturing forms TOS-3 and TOS-4 exceeded the standard by 5 and 7 % in green matter productivity (54–55 t ha-1). These varieties were equivalent to the standard in dry matter and crude protein yield (11.1–11.2 and 1.60–1.62 t ha-1, respectively). The variety microbial system No. 63+КР-2 showed one of the best results in green matter and dry matter productivity (54.1 and 11.8 t ha-1, respectively) as well as in crude protein yield (1.73 t ha-1).
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/11-2017-2/, p. 26
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