• • • Environment-forming potential of alas natural grassland phytocenosis in the Central Yakutia
Paper deals with environment-forming potential of natural grassland phytocenoses on alas in the Central Yakutia. For the first time phytocenosis environment-forming potential was evaluated on the base of gross energy flow, accumulation and consumption, determining the influence of sunlight and anthropogenic factors on grassland performance, depending on the location. Sod-podzolic saline soils with low clay content formed 5.36‒13.45 t ha-1 of roots, rootstocks etc. (at the depth of 0‒20 cm); annual average rate of dry matter accumulation being 1.0‒1.9 t ha-1. The highest yield of root gross energy of up to 223.2 GJ ha-1 happened for wild rye-slough grass phytocenoses. Gross energy ratio of shoots and roots made up 0.91, showing that mineralization of dead roots was constant and particularly active under the optimal humidification and cutting. In the cryolithic zone high accumulation and slow decomposition of root mass are the important factors of grassland stability. Coefficient of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) increased by 1.5 times, compared to the control. On other alas storeys PAR coefficient varied within 0.15 and 0.28 %, depending on plant species and level of humidity.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/1-2018/1-2018-02-1195/ , p. 13
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