• • • Effect of inoculation on alfalfa and red clover productivity
Alfalfa varieties “Pastbishchnaya 88” and “Sonata” happened to be the most responsive to inoculation. On the average for 2 years their productivity, influenced by inoculation, increased by 32.5 and 11.2 %, respectively. In total for 2 years inoculation improved biological nitrogen fixation of “Pastbishchnaya 88” from 27.2 to 86.0 kg ha-1 and “Sonata” — from 86.0 to 121.1 kg ha-1. Inoculation also positively affected nitrogen fixation for red clover “Mars”, giving value of 75.5 kg ha-1. For 2 years novel alfalfa varieties “Selena” and “Agniya” showed no effective symbioses with industrial strains as well as significant values of nitrogen fixation. Being cut twice, all varieties of bastard alfalfa and red clover provided optimal content of crude protein and fiber in fodder obtained. Inoculation had positive effect on content of exchange energy and payback. Agro-energy coeficient made up 6.6–13.0, when cultivating red clover and bastard alfalfa.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/1-2018/1-2018-02-1195/ , p. 25
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