• • • Digging deeper on deep ripping trials
Initial observations from trials comparing deep ripping treatments will be included in the information presented at Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) open forums in the Esperance port zone. SEPWA is carrying out trials in the Esperance port zone and the Stirlings to Coast Farmers Group is doing research in the Albany port zone. Mr Sinnott said SEPWA had five demonstration sites in the Esperance port zone. The Mount Madden and Coomalbidgup sites are built on previously established grower trial work and the Cascade and Neridup sites are built on previously established trials conducted with Council of Grain Grower Organisations funding.
South East Premium Wheat Growers Association (SEPWA) project officer Aidan Sinnott will discuss local GRDC Ripper Gauge trials at GRDC open forums at Dunn Rock on Monday, July 23 and Munglinup and Condingup on Tuesday, July 24. These events, co-ordinated through the GRDC’s Regional Cropping Solutions Network (RCSN) are part of 15 forums that will be held in July and August across the grainbelt. Growers will learn about GRDC investment and can talk to researchers leading local RCSN projects, as well GRDC Western Regional Panel members and RCSN representatives.