• • • Development of extruded aquacultural feeds for channel catfish in the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus Raf.) is a promising object for fish production, grown both in industrial and pond farms. It grows well and reproduces fast both in fresh and saline water, tolerates overpopulated water area. Catfish has no scale and small bones; its meat has good taste and diet qualities. Channel catfish requires 30-40% of protein, 4-6% of fat, up to 5% of fiber, 35-40% of nitrogen-free extractive substances and 12-13 MJ of digestible energy in 1 kg (on a dry basis). The experiment was aimed to develop feed for channel catfish, rich in plant oil and protein as well as mineral substances according to physiological standard. The feed should be balanced in nutrients, has pleasant taste, flavor, composition and long storage period. Extruded aquacultural feeds were obtained through optimization program “Korm Optima Expert”. Wastes of fat and oil industry, cake and meal of essential oil plants performed as the main raw materials. The research evaluated nutrition of each component of feed mixture for various age groups, providing significant mass gain and improvement in meat chemical composition, developed feed recipes and analyzed general physicochemical and biochemical parameters.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/2-2018-2/ , p. 29
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