• • • Climate influence on grain quality of spring wheat
Siberia is one of the most important regions for spring wheat cultivation in Russia. Improving wheat productivity as well as its quality is of great value. The research aimed at analyzing the correlation between climatic conditions and grain quality of wheat, grown on the base of agricultural organizations in the Novosibirsk region from 2011 to 2014. Spring wheat (Triticum vulgare), cultivated in the Novosibirsk region, performed as the object of study. Unfavorable weather conditions there include spring and autumn frosts, cold winters with little snow, drought, hot wind, dust storm, unstable hydrothermal regime in May and June, cool and humid weather in the period of grain ripening and harvesting. Medium gluten content made up 22.3%. Variation in that parameter year-wise amounted to 1.3–3.7%. The highest percentage of gluten in food grain happened in 2012, the lowest one — in 2011. For non-food grain such values occurred in 2013 and 2011 respectively. The highest grain unit of food grain was in 2011, non-food one — 2013. Average unit of food grain varied within 759 g l-1, non-food one — 700 g l-1.
Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/10-2017-2/, p. 22
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